Learn to Skate

Hockey skating classes are offered throughout the year as part of our Learn to Skate program. These classes are a great starting point for skaters ages 3 and up who have some skating abilities and are interested in developing basic hockey skills.
The Hockey 1-4 curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of hockey skating. In four levels, skaters will learn how to be more proficient and agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques for the game of hockey are the primary focus of each level. All elements will be taught without a puck. Skaters will learn the basic hockey stance, stride, knee bend, use of edges, and other necessary fundamentals to be successful in hockey practices and game situations. Hockey skates, a hockey helmet and hockey gloves are required. Full equipment is recommended. Participants should bring a hockey stick to each class.
The prerequisite for Hockey 1 is introductory ice-skating lessons and/or experience skating in hockey skates. Please email Learn to Skate Coordinator Katie DiFranco or call 216.491.1295 with questions regarding hockey classes.
Learn to Skate
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Shaker Heights Recreation Website
Shaker Heights Recreation Website