Be a Coach
Coaching offers an opportunity to impact the lives of young people in a positive way. There is much more to being a coach than X's and O's or drills in practice. Coaches set the tone for the team. Players look to coaches for guidance and view them as role models!
Aside from the requirements listed below, coaches will coordinate practice and game times with team managers and the ice scheduler. Communication of expectations with parents and players is key to an enjoyable season with growth for all players.
Coaches should work with Hockey Coordinator Michael Berg to design age-appropriate practice drills and routines.

- Register as a coach with USA Hockey - Cost is $51. It takes about 15 minutes, all on-line. Registration is good for one year.
- Complete the USA Hockey Background Screening Program - Cost is $30. It takes about 30 minutes, all on-line. Good for one year.
- Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Program Training Module - Free. Must be taken every year. A person must first take the course known as “SafeSport Core Training,” which takes about 1-2 hours online. After that, a “SafeSport Refresher Course” is available each subsequent year for a person that has completed the SafeSport Core Training. The Refresher Course takes 30 minutes or less to complete.
- Complete the USA Hockey Online Age-Specific Module for the age level you are coaching - Cost is $10. It takes approximately 6-7 hours, all on-line. An ASM has no expiration date.
- Complete the USA Hockey Coaching Education Program ("CEP") - Cost is $55. All courses are on-line. It takes approximately 6-7 hours over two nights. A coach must enter CEP at level 1 and must continue his education with a coaching clinic every year until he achieves level 4. A coach may attend only one CEP per year. Once level 4 is achieved, a coach needs to take level 5 within three years or take 5 credit hours of continuing education every three years. Once level 5 is achieved, a coach needs to take 5 credit hours of continuing education every three years.
- Complete the Ohio Concussion Training Module - Free. It takes about one hour, all on-line. Good for three years.
- Comply with Ohio Lindsay’s Law on Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Watch this video - Read the coach information sheet - Free. It takes about 20 minutes, all on-line. Good for one year
- Approved Ice Hockey Helmet - All ice hockey coaches must properly wear an approved ice hockey helmet during all on-ice sessions.