
I.  Dangerous Conduct: Players must exhibit concern for the safety of their teammates, coaches and their opponents at all times. Any behavior that could result in injury to any player, coach or bystander, will be considered dangerous. Coaches have the authority to set individual rules of conduct for their team and may impose consequences immediately for actions in violation of such rules. Such consequences may include, but are not limited to, lost practice/game time, mandatory parental attendance, suspension or expulsion from the program. Coaches are encouraged to report all discipline issues to the parent/guardian of the player whenever possible.

II.  Illegal Conduct: Illegal activities while participating or representing Shaker Youth Hockey at practices, home or away games and tournaments will not be tolerated. Illegal conduct will be reported immediately to the police. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, theft, destruction of property, the use of illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, or the use of alcohol.

III.  Disruptive Conduct: Behavior that disrupts practice, learning sessions or locker room discussions will not be tolerated. Such behaviors may include, but are not limited to, horseplay, rudeness, disrespect to coaches or teammates, talking back or fighting. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, parental and Board notification, lost practice/ game time, or mandatory parental attendance. Chronic misbehavior shall result in suspension or in extreme situations, expulsion from the program.

IV. Unbecoming Conduct: Behavior that includes, but is not limited to, poor sportsmanship, harassment or taunting, will not be tolerated. Chronic misbehavior shall result in suspension, or in extreme situations, expulsion from the program.

V. Team Commitment: Behavior that includes, but is not limited to, repeated late attendance or repeated failure to attend practices/games will not be tolerated.